Fleas & Parasites

  • Pet Health Insurance

    Worried about paying for veterinary care? Pet health insurance can help cover your costs.

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  • Nail Trimming Do's and Don'ts

    Is pet nail trimming a hectic experience at your house? These tips can make the process a little easier.

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  • The Benefits of Pet Massage

    Want to ease your pet's aches and pains? Try massage!

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  • Small Dog Health Problems

    Do you know which health problems are most likely to affect your small dog?

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  • Your Big Dog May Be More Likely to Develop These Health Problems

    Big dogs can have equally big health problems. Find out what conditions and diseases typically affect larger dogs.

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  • Try These Tricks the Next Time You Have to Give Your Pet Medication

    Would you rather do anything than give your pet medicine? These tips may make the process easier.

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  • What Your Pet's Stools Say About Their Health

    Want to know if your pet is healthy? Take a look at his or her stools.

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  • All About Shedding: Is My Pet Shedding Too Much?

    Not sure why your pet is shedding more than usual. We explore a few reasons that your pet may be losing hair.

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  • How To Care For Your New Pet

    Wondering how to care for your new pet? Check out our recommendations!

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  • 5 Common Myths About Pets

    Do cats really have nine lives? Find out if these and other pet myths are true.

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  • Caring for Dogs with Wrinkles

    Regular skin care is the key to helping your wrinkled dog avoid painful infections.

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  • New Pet? 7 Questions to Ask Your Family Veterinarian

    Your new family member may be furry with whiskers and a tail, or have scales, hooves or even wings. If you're the proud new owner of a new pet, chances are you'll have best results integrating your new pet into your family when you include a veterinarian on your team. "Having a new pet isn't like having

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  • New Pets Help Families in a Changing World

    There is no doubt that we find the little round heads and big eyes of young puppies and kittens irresistible. Millions of new pets find their ways into our hearts and homes each year. Studies show pets are a very positive addition to families or singles and even empty nesters! Pets relieve stress, add

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  • Pet Ownership and Your Health

    Your pets provide companionship, unconditional love and plenty of smiles, but they also make you healthier just by living with you. The health benefits of owning a pet are both physical and psychological, and they extend throughout an owner’s life. By keeping your furry companion healthy and happy,

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  • Pet Therapy

    Are you dealing with extreme levels of emotional stress, exhaustion or depression? If so, pet therapy might be right for you. Companionship is only one of the many benefits pet therapy provides. Keep reading to find out what pet therapy involves, which conditions it can help treat and why you might benefit

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  • Pet Travel Tips

    Are you planning to hit the road with your pets this summer? Whether you are planning a lengthy family road trip or a quick summer getaway, there are some important things you need to know before making the decision to travel with your pets. Use the following tips to guarantee a safe and stress-free

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Spring Hill Animal Hospital


15269 Hwy 105 West,
Montgomery, TX 77356




7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


5:00 pm - 5:30 pm